Migration in Brazil: The Making of a Multicultural Society
In Brazil, where the majority of colonial-era residents were African slaves and their children, millions of immigrants have joined a conversation about race and identity that continues today. Brazil is...
View ArticleA Two-Way Street: How Immigration Shapes Everyday Life in Silicon Valley
While research shows immigrants in the United States become integrated over time, this is only a partial account of the changes that immigration brings. As newcomers reshape their communities, longtime...
View ArticleDominican Immigrants in the United States
In 2016, some 1.1 million Dominican immigrants lived in the United States, up from just 12,000 in 1960. Dominicans are highly concentrated in the New York metro area, and they and their descendants...
View ArticleOnce Homogenous, Tiny Iceland Opens Its Doors to Immigrants
A small, isolated country, Iceland has been home to a largely homogenous population for much of its history. But in recent years, a booming economy and expanding tourism sector have drawn rising...
View ArticleNational Guard Heads to Southern Border Amid Differing Reality from Earlier...
Seizing on reports of a migrant “caravan” making its way northward through Mexico, President Donald Trump called for up to 4,000 National Guard troops to deploy to the Southern border. Although...
View ArticleProfiting from Enforcement: The Role of Private Prisons in U.S. Immigration...
Nearly 2.5 million immigrants have passed through the U.S. immigration detention system since 2003. As the United States has expanded detention in recent decades, it has increasingly relied on...
View ArticleInternational Students in the United States
The United States has long been the top choice for international students from around the world, hosting about 1.1 million foreign students in higher education institutions in 2016-17. However, U.S....
View Article“The Missing Piece in the Globalization Mosaic”: A Conversation with IOM...
Over the past decade,migration has emerged as one of the most pressing issues facing governments around the world. Nearing the end of his tenure as Director General of the International Organization...
View ArticleVanishing Frontiers: The Forces Driving Mexico and the United States Together
Marking the release of MPI President Andrew Selee's book, this discussion explores the emerging trends in migration, economic interdependence, technology innovation, and cultural exchange that are...
View ArticleFamily Separation and “Zero-Tolerance” Policies Rolled Out to Stem Unwanted...
Frustrated by an uptick in migrant apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border in recent months, the Trump administration unveiled a set of sweeping changes, aiming to prosecute for federal immigration...
View ArticleIn Search of Safety, Growing Numbers of Women Flee Central America
In recent years, women from Central America have begun to make up a greater share of migrant apprehensions in Mexico and at the U.S. Southwest border. Systemic insecurity, poverty, and corruption are...
View ArticleVanishing Frontiers: The Forces Driving Mexico and the United States Together
Marking the release of MPI President Andrew Selee's latest book, speakers explore emerging trends in migration, economic interdependence, technology innovation, and cultural exchange that are...
View ArticleCanadian Immigrants in the United States
Though small, the population of Canadians in the United States is quite diverse, and includes students, highly skilled professionals on H-1B or NAFTA visas, family migrants, and retirees. Canadian...
View ArticleNo Retreat: Climate Change and Voluntary Immobility in the Pacific Islands
While media and academic discussions of "climate refugees" paint a picture of mass displacement of millions, in reality many communities vulnerable to climate change may choose to stay as a result of...
View ArticleA Walk-Through on How to Find Top Immigration Stats on the Web
Where can you find the most accurate statistics on some of the top immigration issues—ranging from the size of immigrant and emigrant populations, to humanitarian and labor flows, naturalization rates,...
View ArticleDoes Migration Increase Happiness? It Depends
The social and economic effects of migration are widely known and discussed. But do people become happier overall after moving abroad? Using the latest research, this article examines happiness...
View ArticleThe Growth of the Radical Right in Nordic Countries: Observations from the...
Though hardly new to most Nordic countries, radical-right parties have grown in popular support and political power in recent years. This report analyzes the role immigration has played in their rise...
View ArticleIn Upholding Travel Ban, Supreme Court Endorses Presidential Authority While...
Though the Supreme Court handed the Trump administration a major victory by upholding its much-contested travel ban, less noted has been the fact that the ruling left an opening for future challenges...
View ArticleImmigrants in the U.S. States with the Fastest-Growing Foreign-Born Populations
The immigrant population in the United States grew faster than the national average in a number of states—including Alaska, Minnesota, Nevada, North Dakota, and West Virginia—from 2010 to 2016. This...
View ArticleThe Impact of Populist Radical-Right Parties on Immigration Policy Agendas: A...
While commentators proclaimed the 2017 Dutch election results a rebuff of radical-right populism, this report makes clear that electoral success is not the only way to influence policymaking. Taking...
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