Trump's Promise of Millions of Deportations Is Yet to Be Fulfilled
Before entering office, President Donald Trump promised to deport millions of unauthorized immigrants. Yet despite his general successes in creating a more restrictive and punitive immigration system,...
View ArticleMexican Immigrants in the United States
The nearly 11 million Mexican immigrants in the United States represent almost one-quarter of the country’s entire immigrant population, and as such are the largest foreign-born group. But their...
View ArticleManaging the Pandemic and Its Aftermath: Economies, Jobs, and International...
Around the world, governments are grappling with how to combat the COVID-19 pandemic while also managing the economic fallout of policies put in place to stop the virus’ spread. Global migration has...
View ArticleIn Relatively Peaceful Tanzania, Climate Change and Migration Can Spur Conflict
Climate-induced migration can lead to tensions and violence between host communities and new arrivals. This conflict can flare up at various levels, including among rural farmers and herders in...
View ArticleChanging Climate, Changing Migration: Does Climate Change Cause Migration?...
The relationship between climate change and migration is long and complex. Human civilizations have been affected by environmental conditions for centuries, but we should be wary of arguments that huge...
View ArticleThe “Trump Effect” on Legal Immigration Levels: More Perception than Reality?
Despite a widespread perception that the Trump administration has drastically slashed legal immigration to the United States, a review of the data shows that temporary and permanent admissions during...
View ArticleChanging Climate, Changing Migration: One Billion Climate Migrants? Not So Fast
There are a lot of predictions about how many people will migrate in response to climate change. Depending on where you look, the next few decades could see hundreds of millions – or even more than a...
View ArticleBuilding Climate Resilience through Migration in Thailand
Migration can help build resilience against the encroaching effects of climate change. Instead of being passive victims of environmental degradation, individuals sometimes move to gain money,...
View ArticleNew Approaches to Climate Change and Migration: Building the Adaptive...
The link between climate change and migration is a complex one. Whether individuals move or stay in place can be voluntary or involuntary, a proactive strategy or last resort, and is part of a bigger...
View ArticleHow Will International Migration Policy and Sustainable Development Affect...
Climate change is likely to increase the intensity of extreme-weather events already shaping human mobility and displacement. The nature, scale, and direction of future climate-related migration will...
View ArticleAnticipated “Chilling Effects” of the Public-Charge Rule Are Real: Census...
Researchers, service providers, and others have long predicted that sweeping revisions by the Trump administration to the definition of who constitutes a public charge would deter large numbers of...
View ArticleFaith and Mental Health Help Shape the Integration of Muslim Refugees in Germany
Faith plays a significant role in the mental health and social integration of refugees and asylum seekers. Yet in Germany, concerns about Islam and migrants from Muslim-majority countries have...
View ArticleNearly 3 Million U.S. Citizens and Legal Immigrants Initially Excluded under...
The pandemic-recovery stimulus package that passed Congress in December rectified what many had viewed as a significant oversight in the earlier CARES Act: Its exclusion of U.S. citizens and legal...
View ArticleInternational Students in the United States
For the first time in a decade, fewer international students were studying in the United States during the 2019-20 school year than the year before. This decline, brought about in part by changing U.S....
View ArticleAfrica Moves Towards Intracontinental Free Movement for Its Booming Population
While intraregional migration is a pillar of the African Union's focus on enhancing regional integration and economic development, visa-free travel or visas upon arrival are a reality for only about...
View ArticleA Way Forward on Migration Under the Portuguese Presidency of the European...
With Portugal assuming the EU Presidency in January 2021 and prioritizing progress on the EU Migration and Asylum Pact, this webinar features senior officials from the European Union, Germany (the last...
View ArticleBiden Sets the Stage for a Remarkably Active First 100 Days on Immigration
The Biden administration has set the pace for what could be the most active first 100 days on immigration policy by any White House in recent memory—even that of predecessor Donald Trump. The efforts,...
View ArticleThe Eurasian Economic Union: Repaving Central Asia’s Road to Russia?
In recent decades Russia has been increasingly reliant on Central Asian migrant workers. Those workers, in turn, have sent back remittances that have been crucial for their countries of origin. Since...
View ArticleFrequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United...
Have a question about U.S. immigration trends and the country's immigrant population? This article collects in one place the most sought-after information about the world's largest immigrant population...
View ArticleClimate Extremes, Food Insecurity, and Migration in Central America: A...
Climate change has had a devastating impact on many poor Central American farmers, which can contribute to food insecurity and may be prompting migration from the region's Dry Corridor. But the process...
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